This is the story of how Austria came to embrace the pasta headgear. Being a symbol of religious faith in the Pastafari movement Niko Alm was allowed to show a pasta strainer on his driver’s license. The full story, part 5.

The newest episode regarding mission holy driver’s license comes with a little delay. Mainly because the victim changed his residence and the authorities of course had to apply to send the documents to the appropriate address.
In case you already forgot about the previous events, click here.
Also the public TV-station ORF did broadcast a short report about me in the context of atheism which sums everything up (in German).
What hasn’t been mentioned before is that I am now officially allowed to drive a car after passing a psychological test at the medical officer.
Furthermore these are the official documents which have been sent by the police department:
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Whereas the first one mainly says that they have to reconsider my application for the new driver’s license, the second one shows the result of the investigation which tells me that I have to bring another photograph without any headgear. Also the picture should be 36 to 45 mm high and 28 to 35 mm wide. It is self-evident that I can’t accept this order. I guess it is about time that I respond to these letters or I won’t have my new license anytime soon.
To be continued.